Thank you Ilderton, Denfield and Birr residences for your tremendous response to this years Harvest Food Drive. With the impacts of the Covid-19 virus being felt by everyone, we are particularly grateful to everyone who was able to help.
We collected over 13,000 pounds which was 4000 pounds more than last year. In addition, approximately $ 800 in cash was collected. When the goal of 10,000 pounds was set, it was thought to be a reasonable expectation.
These three communities opened their hearts and pantries and responded in a way that no-one could have expected.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
This event doesn’t just happen. As in previous years, Lion Jim Reeve and District Fire Chief Blair Harvey and their committees started the planning process months before the collection day to ensure that the date is communicated to the communities; collection bags are available and delivered to the residents in time for them to fill them; fire trucks are available; collection trucks and trailers are available; and finally that volunteers to deliver the bags to and collect them from the communities are available.
This co-ordinated effort between the Ilderton Lions and Firefighters has been in existence since 2004 when the street collection was initiated. The children in the communities look forward to seeing the fire trucks in their neighborhoods, maybe the adults too.
We have often had to deal with inclement weather and this year was no exception; but, for the first time that anyone can remember, there was a house fire call in Ilderton during the event which required the fire trucks and crews to peel off to respond to the emergency.
The Ilderton Lions were able to finish the collection in a seemless manner and the Ilderton Firefighters were able to save the house.
There were other changes too because of the Covid -19 protocols. The crew that took the food to the Ailsa Craig Food Bank had to be cut back but even the smaller group of volunteers, approximately 12, managed to deposit all the food at the Food Bank between downpours, preserving the integrity of the paper bags.
There are a lot of volunteers, approximately 40, to thank that helped make this happen. The door to door collectors comprising of Lions, Firefighters and some of their children; the Fire Department for the use of the Fire trucks and drivers; Lions who provided their trucks and covered trailers; and District Fire Chief Blair Harvey and Lion Jim Reeve for their planning and supervision.

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